Coiled Remote System
Coiled remote hose expands to 10' and retracts to only 24", rated at 800psi with a 3 to 1 safety ratio. Comes with constant air plug nipple, quick disconect coupler, and bottle adapter

RM-COIL / $29.95



Coiled Remote System with Slide Check
Coiled remote hose expands to 7' and retracts to only 24", CO2 Rated. Comes with constant air plug nipple, NEW Slide-Connect™ Valve,and bottle adapter

RM-COIL-SC/ $34.95



42" Remote System
42" stainless remote hose and Quick Disconnect set are rated at 2000psi with a 3 to 1 safety ratio. bottle adapter, constant air plug nipple, and a quick disconnect make this the serious choice for a remote air system.

RM-42 / $29.95



42" Remote System with Slide Check
42" stainless remote hose and Quick Disconnect set are rated at 2000psi with a 3 to 1 safety ratio. bottle adapter, constant air plug nipple, slide check and a quick disconnect make this the serious choice for a remote air system

RM-42-SC / $31.95



SNAG PROOF Coiled Hose
Covered coiled remote hose. Expandable hose covered in lightweight sheath. Rated at 800 psi with a 3 to 1 burst ratio. Ends coated in Vibra Seal to make assembly easy. No teflon tape or Loctite needed! Manufactured by Parker Hannifin. Great for CO2 and low pressure air.




SNAG PROOF Coiled Hose Cover Kit
Cover your coiled remote hose. Lightweight sheath protects againts snags and the elements!

BH-COVER-KIT/ $14.95



5/32" Micro line Kit
Make your own micro line set up. Cut to length with scissors. Enough line for a couple of set ups. Press in 5/32" line Rated for CO2 use or low pressure compressed air. Works with our micro line press on nickle plated fittings. KIT Includes 2- press on swivle fittings and 2 feet of micro line

BH-MLINE-KIT-5/32 / $14.95



10 Feet of 5/32" Micro Line on a roll
Make your own micro line set up.
Rated for CO2 use or low pressure compressed air. Works with our 5/32 mIcro line press on fittings sold seperately. 10 foot roll

BH-MICROLINE-10/ $5.95



1/4" MACRO line Kit
Make your own macro line set up. Cut to length with scissors. Enough line for a couple of set ups. Press in1/4" line Rated for CO2 use or low pressure compressed air. Works with our macro line press on nickle plated fittings. KIT Includes 2- 90 degree press on swivle fittings and 2 feet of macro line- -OUT OF STOCK-

BH-MLINE-KIT-1/4/ $17.95



10 Feet of 1/4" Macro Line on a roll
Make your own macro line set up.
Rated for CO2 use or low pressure compressed air. Works with our 1/4 macro line press on fittings sold seperately. 10 foot roll -OUT OF STOCK-

BH-MACROLINE-10/ $19.95



Replacement Tank Valve
A leaking or damaged valve needs to be replaced. These valves are the same quality as many of the paintball gun manufacturers use. Includes blow disk and washer set installed. Comes ready to install. Should only be installed by trained personnel! -- out of stock

TARV/ $9.95



Pin Depressor Adapter III™
Features a one piece knurled knob and plunger assembly with NEW back up o-ring slot. Comes fitted with 1 URETHANE o-ring . Body is made from aluminum anodized black. Comes with an extra O-ring

PDA-III / $19.95